Zucchini, Spinach, Mushroom, Kale is on the menu in Book recipe, and we are going to teach you how to make this delicious recipe from scratch!
In the summertime, one of the best things that you can eat is a cold slice of watermelon or crispy chips with a cold beer. Mücver is one of those incredible summer recipes that you can’t get enough of.
Crispy outside and soft inside, loaded with flavors and almost official side meal of Kabak dolması (stuffed zucchini) to use the spongy inside of the zucchinis.
Today we are going to make the classical zucchini mücver (you can call them fritters as well) but remember that you can use any vegetables like spinach, pumpkin, chard, or even mushrooms to make it. Fry it or bake it, however, you wish it will be amazing!
Follow along with the 📝 recipes below👇🏾👇🏾
Recipe video
Let us know what you think of today’s Zucchini, Spinach, Mushroom, Kale tips, tricks, and hacks!