Chocolate Cheesecake is on the menu in Book recipe, and we are going to teach you how to make this delicious recipe from scratch!
Anna Olson shows you her incredible Triple Chocolate Cheesecake recipe from start to finish. Watch along and bake with Anna!
Follow along with the 📝 recipes below👇🏾👇🏾
You know you have a serious chocolate-lovers dessert when it calls for over a pound of chocolate!Ingredients
Ganache Topping
Recipe video
The smooth, satiny ganache top to this cheesecake leaves you open to decorate it as you wish. Write a greeting in melted white chocolate, add a few berries or edible flowers, or even add more chocolate by using a vegetable peeler to grate curls from a block of chocolate.
From Baking Day with Anna Olson, Appetite by Random House, 2020.