This dish is served at major occasions across Egypt as the centrepiece.
Middle East cuisine
- Serves: 42 Cookies Cooking Time:
Homemade Traditional Maamoul are cookies that are stuffed with Dates and nuts.
- Ice creamTurkish Food
Making stretchy ice cream with a centuries old recipe
by Middle Eatsby Middle EatsServes: 3Making stretchy ice cream with a centuries old recipe – How to make booza at home
- StewChickenChicken & PoultryEgyptian foodPasta & RiceRice
Ancient Jute Leaf Stew
by Middle Eatsby Middle EatsServes: 4 Cooking Time:Molokhia (Jute Leaf stew) has been eaten in Egypt since the time of the Pharaohs. From …
- Serves: 4 Cooking Time:
Lahmacun are lamb topped flatbreads that hail from Turkey.
- Serves: 4 Cooking Time:
Hummus is on the menu in Book recipe, and we are going to teach you how …