How to Make Modeling Chocolate

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How to Make Modeling Chocolate

Not a fondant fan? Well then, you’re in the right place! Here, I show two simple one-bowl recipes for making semisweet and white modeling chocolate (aka chocolate dough). Chocolate dough is a a very tasty, Tootsie Roll-like medium for cake and cookie embellishments such as flowers, ribbons, and bows.


This recipe was formulated for use with real chocolate. I prefer to use high-grade chocolate brands, such as Valrhona, Callebaut, or Guittard, for optimal chocolate flavor. Candy melts or coating or compound chocolates (that have palm or other oil substitutes for the cocoa butter in real chocolate) can be used as well, but they will set much more quickly (typically in 2 to 3 hours) and firmly. I do not knead any oil out of the dough when working with candy melts (as I sometimes do in working with real white chocolate). Instead, I just mix the dough per this recipe, let it sit for 1 to 2 hours, and then work it through a pasta machine’s finest setting to get it perfectly smooth before allowing it to fully set.


I usually add oil-based (aka “candy”) coloring to the melted chocolate; then stir in the corn syrup as directed in the recipe. Do not use water-based coloring, as it can overly seize the chocolate. You can also knead in coloring after the dough has set, but this approach takes more time – and is harder work!

Recipe video



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