Libyan Mbakbaka is on the menu in Book recipe, and we are going to teach you how to make this delicious recipe from scratch!
Today we’re making Libyan Mbakbaka, a pasta dish with loads of earthy and warming flavors that’s perfect for a winter meal. It’s so easy to make and I guarantee it will be completely different from any other pasta you’ve ever tried.
Follow along with the 📝 recipes below👇🏾👇🏾
7 Spice ingredients: (makes 1 Tsp)
Bzaar ingredients: (makes 3 Tsp)
Remaining Ingredients: (4-5 servings)
To make the Bzaar:
To make the Mbakbaka:
Recipe video
Let us know what you think of today’s Libyan Mbakbaka tips, tricks, and hacks!