Wisteria Syrup and Memories are on the menu in Book recipe, and we are going to teach you how to make this delicious recipe from scratch!
Today I am taking you to my high school to show you where everything has started, how I became to be me, how it affected my cooking, and to have a small picnic with a lot of stories.
Also want to share a great lemonade recipe with a tasty, vegan chickpea wrap and a wisteria syrup which is my way to lock the smell and feel of my youth in a jar!
Follow along with the 📝 recipes below👇🏾👇🏾
Wisteria is considered to be toxic, mostly when the seeds and seed pods are ingested. We should add that seeds and seed pods are not ingested in this recipe and we want to share this traditional Refika gem with you. Also, this is a syrup/ şerbet making technique that you can use for other flowers like elderflower, rose, acacia…Ingredients
Chickpea Wrap
Refika’s Lemonade
Wisteria Syrup
Chickpea Wrap
Refika’s Lemonade
Wisteria Syrup
Recipe video
Let us know what you think of today’s Special Lemonade, Wisteria Syrup tips, tricks, and hacks!